Full time, full service, accuracy smith.
Long Range Benchrest, F-Class, Long Range Hunting, PRS, built to Benchrest standards.
43 world records in long range Benchrest and F-class.
In the IBS, NBRSA, Williamsport, and the NRA.

I specialize in high quality barrel work, I try to maintain a quick turn around time to keep you shooting. One of the most critical parts of a rifle's accuracy potential is the throat cut in the barrel. It must be concentric to the bore. I have a process, tooling, and attention to detail that ensures this every time, no matter how short or long the cartridge. I dial to less than .0001" with direct measurements, no pins, rods, or other gadgets. The farther into the barrel, the more difficult and critical this becomes. Below is a 30 XC chamber. That throat is roughly 3.4" inside the barrel. I have well over 100 different reamers of all types of standard and wild cat cartridges.
I keep running orders with my preferred barrel manufacturers. Contact me about getting on the list for blanks.