Full time, full service, accuracy smith.
Long Range Benchrest, F-Class, Long Range Hunting, PRS, built to Benchrest standards.
43 world records in long range Benchrest and F-class.
In the IBS, NBRSA, Williamsport, and the NRA.

New low profile LRB
This is the new stock I have been using along with the original LRB. This one is the same from the grip back, but the forend is longer and thinner. The 4" section is also much longer. The barrel sits 1/2" closer to the front bag. This stock only comes in wood laminate. They all come with the aluminum rudder and butt plate installed with a full length barrel channel. Pictures below with an LRB as reference. Some of the rifles have paint jobs, they are still wood laminates. The main difference I see in this design is tracking. As good as the original is, this one is even better. This is still a new stock so not that many are out there, but in a short time its already broken a record, won a nationals, and won SOY. Contact me for color availability $1200 shipped

NBRSA world record shot by Mr. Charles Greer officially measured 2.6566" for 10 shots at 1000 yards with an LRB stock.
LRB in wood laminate or fiberglass
This stock is the product of input from some of the best long range Benchrest shooters in the game. This stock tracks exceptionally well due to the adjustable rudder system and 4" forend. It is designed to shoot free recoil or with a hold. Aluminum rails in the front prevent rocking on the front bag as well as form small trenches to aid tracking. The adjustable rudder in the rear allows you to fine tune the bag riding surfaces until exactly parallel. The 4" wide 1/2" tall fore end is legal in Benchrest and helps control torquing in the bag. The 4" width can be accommodated by most rests with a simple bag change. I can order this stock as light or heavy as needed, as stiff or flexible as desired, fiberglass or carbon fiber, and any color combo desired. Every stock comes with a rudder, rails, and butt plate installed. Mcmillan gelcoat requires no finish, but can be painted or polished. Many of the stocks on this page have paint jobs that we have done, they are not available on stock blanks. Painting is the last step after inletting and bedding.
Adjustable tracking rudder
Optimal tracking occurs when the cross hair never leaves the X during recoil. For this to happen the front half of the stock must be perfectly parallel to the rear half. When your stock is perfectly parallel you can slide it back in the bags and the crosshair won't move on the target. That is when your rifle will track its best. A one time adjustment to the rudder will ensure your stock is perfectly parallel.
$1200 with rails, rudder, butt plate, and molded in finish. Flat top, no inlet.